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ISGR Web Site

ISGR Discussion Forum: ISGR Web Site
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006 - 06:09 pm
Asalam o alaikum, actually i just checked the website,& its really kool 2 know abt muslim society in richmond,i just wanted to make an announcement,that, "i m a baby sitter and i can teach Holy Quran, so anybody,who is looking for a Female Quran teacher and a baby sitter can contact me.......if anybody is concern just send ur replies and leave ur phone # on this e mail address,i myself would get back to them:-
\\ Thanx ///


Tuesday, September 12, 2006 - 05:53 pm
Asalam o alaikum, actually i just checked the website,& its really kool 2 know abt muslim society in richmond,i just wanted to make an announcement,that, "i m a baby sitter and i can teach Holy Quran, so anybody,who is looking for a Female Quran teacher and a baby sitter can contact me.......if anybody is concern just send ur replies and leave thier phone # on this e mail address,i myself would get back to them:-
\\ Thanx ///


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 - 10:48 pm
Can someone help me with confusion on a calendar question? Last year my friend's son (he is 18) went back to Afghanistan to get married (between June and July of 2005). Now I am helping them with the papers to bring her to America but but the wedding date doesn't make sense, and I am afraid it will delay bringing her here, if she can come at all!

According to their wedding papers AND ALSO their wedding video, they were married 1384/3/26. By every calendar converter I can find that means they were married May 8, 1964!!! If someone in the office that processes the papers decides to confirm the dates for themselves (because on the marriage certificate there are AT LEAST two different dates for his birth, her birth and the wedding), the discrepancy might cause all kinds of problems for them.

Please help me help them. I am so confused that I feel like I am in the Twlight Zone. I can't believe both the local courts and the people themselves could be using that year if it is not correct, or that every conversion table or program I find is wrong.


Tuesday, December 10, 2002 - 08:55 am
I have been surfing on the net for a long time, but this is the first time ever that I came across a very good news information about our brothers the palestinians. You can get there on-line reliable news on everything new in the Palestinian Authority and Israel in arabic. Check it out and see for yourself:


Admin (Admin)

Thursday, October 05, 2000 - 12:30 pm
ISGR needs your help in improving the web site. We welcome any suggestions or comments on the content and layout. Thanks.

Farah Chowdhury

Sunday, December 03, 2000 - 08:13 pm
Layouts OK, but I think I can help in designing the site a little. I can help by giving this WHOLE site a makeover! Tell me what you think....

Tariq Jangda

Monday, December 04, 2000 - 07:04 am
We welcome any suggestions, send the redesign ideas to Webmaster. Thanks.